Category Archives: Muslim Marketing

Google Play Store Data Safety – What it Means for Your Islamic App

Islamic Apps and Data Privacy Scandals Remember the shocking news that broke in November 2020 about Muslim Pro? If you don’t, here is a quick reminder. Muslim Pro’s maker allegedly sold user location data to a broker who subsequently supplied the data to U.S. military contractors. Although there are plenty of Islamic apps that respect […]

14 Experts Share an Insider Look at Opportunities for Muslim Niche Markets in 2022

In April 2021 we released an article titled “How Mainstream Brands Can Identify and Serve Muslim Niche Markets”. In it, we advise mainstream brands not to approach the Muslim consumer market as one big market where they can do mass marketing. The article goes on to highlight the approach brands need to take to identify […]

Hispanic American Muslim Consumers – What You Need to Know

In 2016, Tabish Hasan, Chief Executive of Muslim Ad Network, was featured in The Guardian as he compared the failure of established mainstream brands to tap into the Muslim market today to the same sentiment regarding the Hispanic market in the United States in the 1980s.  Now those brands can’t afford not to engage with […]

Purpose Will Make or Break Your Halal Brand

Your Halal Brand Must Stand for Something In one of our previous blog posts: “Brands for Social Justice: It’s Not All About Profit for Muslim Businesses”, we mentioned the pressure on brands to speak up for social justice coming from protestors, customers, and employees. Today, we can confidently say that purpose and standing for something […]

Advertise to Muslim Audiences on Twitter by Capitalizing on Social Media Algorithms

Part 1- Facebook Part 2 – Twitter Part 3 – Instagram “How do I advertise to Muslim consumers on social media like Twitter?” is something marketing managers have been asking.  Today we continue with our series that looks at how to leverage the news feed algorithms on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Understanding how they work […]

Halal Marketing- All You Need to Know

What is Halal Marketing? Halal Marketing or Islamic Marketing is a concept based on the paradigm that Islam affects Muslim consumer choice. Therefore all marketing activities follow Islamic laws, principles, and guidelines. This includes strategic marketing decisions, designing, communicating, delivering products and services to customers, and everything in between. Islamic Marketing fulfills needs through Halal […]

6 Easy Steps Guide to Starting a Business Targeting Muslims

Here at Muslim Ad Network we have discussed extensively how to promote your business- Islamic or mainstream- to Muslims. Today we want to take a step back and offer quick but efficient guidance to those of you who are looking to start a business targeting Muslim consumers. This will take shape in a rapid-fire quick […]

Another Muslim Prayer App Tracking Users – What’s Next for Muslim Consumers?

After waking up to the scary reality of having their personal data sold to military contractors by Muslim Pro, Muslims find themselves yet again in the same predicament. This time via a similar prayer app: Salaat First. Salaat First has been downloaded over ten million times. This popular app that reminds Muslims when to pray, […]

3 Online Advertising Trends and How to Reach Muslims in 2021

There is no denying the fact that advertising has never been the same since the COVID-19 crisis started. The tourism and leisure industries have been the hardest hit and have cut their online advertising budgets. Yet other sectors have thrived during the crisis, especially those in eCommerce with the future looking bright. Here’s a look […]

7 Simple Consumer Psychology Tactics to Gain More Muslim Customers

Defining Consumer Psychology Consumer psychology draws on many disciplines: social psychology, marketing, behavioral economics, and more. It focuses on understanding consumers and their purchasing behavior.  Some of the psychological factors that influence consumer behavior are: demographics  personality  Lifestyles rates of use  usage occasion  Loyalty brand advocacy Importance of Consumer Psychology in Targeting Muslim Consumers Capitalizing […]