Category Archives: Halal Marketing

Hispanic American Muslim Consumers – What You Need to Know

In 2016, Tabish Hasan, Chief Executive of Muslim Ad Network, was featured in The Guardian as he compared the failure of established mainstream brands to tap into the Muslim market today to the same sentiment regarding the Hispanic market in the United States in the 1980s.  Now those brands can’t afford not to engage with […]

5 Tips for Your Halal Brand to Make Money on Twitter

Most of us use Twitter for building communities, brand awareness, and showcasing brand personality. So you may wonder how your halal brand could make money on Twitter. Advanced users, however, do exactly that. They make money on Twitter! And Twitter is not holding back. In the past few months, Twitter has rolled out multiple new […]

7 Amazing Ways Halal Travel Companies Can Leverage Display Advertising

The Post Covid-19 Guide to Riding the Recovery Wave for Halal Tourism Companies Using Display Advertising Before the Covid-19 pandemic struck, halal tourism was experiencing exponential growth. Close to 160 million Muslim tourists traveled in 2019. According to one of our publishers at Muslim Ad Network, CrescentRating, in 2020 this dropped down to 42 million. […]

Halal Marketing- All You Need to Know

What is Halal Marketing? Halal Marketing or Islamic Marketing is a concept based on the paradigm that Islam affects Muslim consumer choice. Therefore all marketing activities follow Islamic laws, principles, and guidelines. This includes strategic marketing decisions, designing, communicating, delivering products and services to customers, and everything in between. Islamic Marketing fulfills needs through Halal […]