Preparing Your Marketing for Ramadan – Part 4

Using Social Media to Gain Ramadan Buyers

Using Social Media to Gain Ramadan Buyers

Six-Part Series

Part 1: Ramadan Muslim Consumer Behavior

Part 2: Preparing Your Products and Services for Ramadan

Part 3: Using Your Blog to Promote Your Brand for Ramadan

Part 4: Using Social Media to Gain Ramadan Buyers

Part 5: Mail and Email as Promoting Tools for Ramadan

Part 6: Creating a Community Around Your Brand for Ramadan

Bonus: What the Ramadan Consumer Survey 2022 Says About Advertising to Muslims During the Holy Month

In part 4 of our Ramadan series, we take a look at utilizing social media to gain more Ramadan engagement and buyers. You may also be interested in our article posted in October 2020 where we discuss “How to Leverage Muslim Consumer Behavior Online with Social Media Marketing”.

Here is a list of what you can do to boost your entity’s presence during the holy month of Ramadan and gain more engagement and buyers.

1- Adapt Your Social Media Images to the Season

Adapt your social media banner and cover photos on your social media platforms to reflect the Ramadan atmosphere and mood. Make sure the images resonate with fasting Muslims and don’t just go crazy with images of crescents and lanterns.

2- Show the Human Side of Your Organization 

Post some behind-the-scenes images and videos to capture the human side of your business. Share moments like having iftar together or going to the mosque together. If you are a mainstream organization you can ask some of your Muslim employees to share a moment at the office for example.

3- Become More Engaging

Boost engagement on social media by getting your followers conversing with you and even with one another. Post fun questions like “What is your favorite Ramadan moment?” User-generated content is a great way to create engagement.

4- Create  a Product or Service of the Day

Feature a product or service of the day on your social media platforms. Then have one mega offer for the first ten days, the twenty-day threshold, and the last ten days of Ramadan. Muslims are very conscious of these milestones, so it is a great way to get their attention and offer discounts.

5- Make a Ramadan Video 

Create a Ramadan video with your team and share it on all social media platforms. It doesn’t need to look professional! A simple video with real people and a sincere message from the heart may do wonders.

6- Start a Ramadan-Themed Hashtag  

Post a photo to Instagram and Twitter or start a contest with a custom Ramadan-themed hashtag for your organization. Encourage your followers to post their own photos or take part in the contest and use the hashtag.

Prepare Your Social Media Early

Prepare Your Ramadan Social Media Calendar

During this time of year, you’ve got more on your plate than usual. I am not talking about your iftar. I mean there are more things to do than you have time for. When that happens, social media is usually one of the first things to lose out on.

Your brand, business, or organization can’t afford to let that happen.

The solution is to create a fully developed social media marketing calendar and plug posts into that calendar very early on.

You want every single post to be scheduled to go live at peak posting times for optimal traction so that you don’t have to manually do it yourself. Remember though that Muslim consumers are online at very odd hours during the month of Ramadan. Typically very late at night as mentioned in the first part of this series: “Ramadan Muslim Consumer Behavior”.

Make sure to have all the following ready:

  • Your branded images
  • Strong, engaging captions
  • Calls-to-action
  • Landing page URLs 
  • Teasers
  • Approvals received for all of the above

Also, when creating your Ramadan social media calendar, be mindful of planning sales and promotions.

Your campaigns will be more impactful when you systematically coordinate them well across multiple platforms. This includes featuring your products and services on stories and in-feed posts and showcasing them in different ways.

Get Your Ramadan Ads Approved Today

If you want to run social media ads for Ramadan to increase sales by targeting both first-time traffic and running retargeting campaigns, get your ad campaigns approved ahead of time.

Create them today, and submit them for approval.

You can easily schedule start and end dates for each ad campaign on most platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, X, and TikTok.

Your campaigns will not start running until the designated dates as long as you schedule them that way. Therefore there’s no risk of accidentally launching early.

The same isn’t true for waiting until the last minute. Especially if there are approval issues, you might end up losing valuable time.

This may sound repetitive but you really don’t want to risk losing even a few hours on a prime selling day let alone an entire day or more. And just because your ads took too long to get approved. 

You will find yourself in an even worse predicament if they are rejected as you will need to contact support or create a new ad from scratch. That equals even more time wasted and revenue lost.

Partner with Muslim Ad Network Early

During the busiest season for Muslim consumers, you need to work with partners who will help you gain maximum visibility in front of them. 

With over ten years of experience and over 1 billion ads served to Muslims globally, we are in a great position to help you get the most bang for your buck during this Ramadan season.

We get you in front of Muslim consumers on publisher websites and amplify your social media presence by posting on our channels and promoting you through our email list.

If you want to know more please contact MAN.

Read the Ramadan Survey Report  2022 (no email or download required).

Ramadan 2022 Muslim Consumer Survey
Advertising to Muslims During Ramadan
start targeting muslim consumers

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