Display Ads are a great way to get your brand in front of millions of potential customers. There’s just one thing you need to remember. Unlike search ads, your display ads are seen by users who are not actively looking for your product or service. Display Ads are designed to distract users from their intended activity and get them to click through to your website. On top of that, you are competing with other display ads from direct and indirect competitors.
This is why you need to have your game on. Luckily we have 7 simple and yet extremely effective Display Ads ideas that will help you stand out in the crowd.
Are you ready to beat the competition? Let’s go!
Display Ad Idea #1: Become One With The Platform
Have you ever wondered why native ads do so well? You already know the answer to that: they don’t look like ads. You need to consider the platform that you are planning to have your ads show and make sure your ads are relevant contextually but still grab the attention of the readers. Not to mention they need to blend in design-wise.
Display Ad Idea #2: Divide and Conquer
One of my favorite things about display advertising is the ability it gives you to segment your audience based on their demographic details. So why not make use of this powerful feature and create ads that will catch the eye of each segment of your target audience? In your case, if you are targeting Muslims, you already know how diverse Muslims are and how ethnicity and culture play a huge role in that diversity. Plus, even under the same ethnicity flag, you have different demographics that need catering to. It sounds like a huge task but here at Muslim Ad Network, we can help you. Take a look at our product and targeting capabilities.
Display Ad Idea #3: Keep Everyone in Mind
This one is specific to the Muslim audience. When using any kind of image and video ads, make sure that you keep everyone in mind. You do not want to use ads that may be considered inappropriate by a segment of your audience. Remember, you are trying to attract them, not repel them. As we mentioned in the previous tip, Muslims come in all shapes and sizes and a healthy dose of moderation will make all the difference.
Display Ad Idea #4: Trigger Emotions
It is very important to leverage emotional triggers in your ad copy. This is how you connect with your audience effectively. Don’t be the guy that writes: Buy Eid Gifts Here. We Have Everything”. Be the guy who writes:” Surprise Your Loved Ones With Something Special This Eid”. Put yourself in their shoes; or even better, go back to your buyer persona and imagine what would trigger their emotions. If you don’t have one yet, have a look at how to create a buyer persona really quickly (link to tool included).
Display Ad Idea #5: Make Them Laugh
One way to stand out in a noisy and crowded place is by using humor. You do not have to be a comedian. You just need to know the culture of the people you are addressing. Get your colleague who always seems to make everyone laugh and ask her to take part in the brainstorming session for upcoming ads regardless of whether she is a marketer or a receptionist.
Display Ad Idea #6: Be Helpful
I am a strong believer in the marketing philosophy: ‘help’ and not ‘hype’. You can implement this by creating display ads that link to highly relevant content within your niche. So for example, if you own a vegan restaurant, you can offer a free vegan burger recipe. This approach is actually in many instances better than linking to a product page. You have to remember that your display ads are not targeting ready-to-buy audiences. You are trying to create brand awareness and build your subscription list more than anything. Of course, there are exceptions. Think of seasonal offers for example like Ramadan discounts. By the way, if you are an advertiser get in touch with us for our early bird Ramadan discounts.
Display Ad Idea #7: Try ‘Shockvertising’ Every Once in a While
This is a highly effective way to break through the clutter. Just do not overdo it. The term ‘shockvertise’ stands for using audacious images to produce a reaction from viewers. You can consider it one or two levels above display ad idea #4 as it evokes strong feelings among viewers, making them more likely to engage with it and even remember it.
This list is not even close to being exhaustive. There’s so much you can do and the sky is the limit if you are not scared to take a risk – “nothing ventured nothing gained”. Be creative and have fun with your display ads as long as you manage expectations and don’t go beyond the boundaries.
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