Halal advertising must get serious about ID Resolution or get left behind. But, what is ID Resolution? Find out before it is too late.
Category Archives: Islamic Advertising
Understanding the Motivation Behind the Surge of Charity Donations During Ramadan Muslims worldwide, take the opportunity that Ramadan presents to give more to charity. Muslims believe the rewards for good deeds, during the holy month of Ramadan, are multiplied immensely. According to Give Brite, UK Muslims donated 150 million pounds to charity during Ramadan in […]
Muslim Ad Network asked some marketing/branding experts to analyze past Eid-Ul-Adha adverts by mainstream brands, such as Samsung, OM0, Coca-Cola, and NestlĂ©. Do they use any of the sentiment and history behind Eid-Ul-Adha in their advertisements? Eid-ul-Adha is one of the two Eids celebrated by Muslims around the world. It centers around prayer and animal […]
What Does Multicultural Marketing Really Mean? Simply put, multicultural marketing is the external marketing strategy that is the result of an internal diversity and inclusion program of a business or organization. Isaac Mizrahi, of CMO Network, in his article for Forbes, Diversity And Inclusion And Multicultural Marketing Are Not The Same explains that: “Diversity helps […]
The two most important days of celebration for Muslims are Eid-ul-Fitr (celebrations marking the end of Ramadan) and Eid-ul-Adha (celebrations when the pilgrimage days are coming to an end). We decided to take a look at how different brands brought out ads during these two joyous occasions and highlight the good and the not-so-good. 1- […]
While mainstream advertising has recently started to take diversity and inclusion into account, Islam has been advocating it for one and a half millennia. Yet today most of the advertising targeted toward Muslims is very monotonous in nature and ethnocentric (to apply one’s own culture or ethnicity as a frame of reference) at best. This […]
Creating a Community Around Your Brand for Ramadan Six-Part Series Part 1: Ramadan Muslim Consumer Behavior Part 2: Preparing Your Products and Services for Ramadan Part 3: Using Your Blog to Promote Your Brand for Ramadan Part 4: Using Social Media to Gain Ramadan Buyers Part 5: Mail and Email as Promoting Tools for Ramadan […]
Mail and Email as Promoting Tools for Ramadan Six-Part Series Part 1: Ramadan Muslim Consumer Behavior Part 2: Preparing Your Products and Services for Ramadan Part 3: Using Your Blog to Promote Your Brand for Ramadan Part 4: Using Social Media to Gain Ramadan Buyers Part 5: Mail and Email as Promoting Tools for Ramadan Part 6: Creating a Community Around […]
Ramadan Muslim Consumer Behavior Updated on January 2024 Six-Part Series Part 1: Ramadan Muslim Consumer Behavior Part 2: Preparing Your Products and Services for Ramadan Part 3: Using Your Blog to Promote Your Brand for Ramadan Part 4: Using Social Media to Gain Ramadan Buyers Part 5: Mail and Email as Promoting Tools for Ramadan Part 6: Creating a Community Around […]
In April 2021 we released an article titled “How Mainstream Brands Can Identify and Serve Muslim Niche Markets”. In it, we advise mainstream brands not to approach the Muslim consumer market as one big market where they can do mass marketing. The article goes on to highlight the approach brands need to take to identify […]